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Nouvelles aventures

27 octobre 2020

En ces temps troublés où la vie de bien des artistes est sur pause, je suis très heureuse de vous annoncer ma nomination en tant que Directrice aux affaires culturelles, à la Délégation Générale du Québec à Londres.

Après de nombreuses années sur scène et en coulisse, je serai maintenant au service de la culture québécoise et de ses artistes, pour leur permettre de rayonner au Royaume-Uni et dans les pays nordiques. C'est un immense honneur et un beau défi.

Noël occupé

Ingried se produira un peu partout à Montréal et aux alentours en Novembre et Décembre, tantôt avec boussaroque ou avec Souk d'érable.

Toutes les dates sont ici.

Un nouvel agent!

Très heureuse d'annoncer que le quatuor boussaroque est maintenant représenté par MGAM (Marilyn Gilbert), Toronto.

boussaroque en concert pour l'Halloween

Sous le thème Steampunk, un événement bien spécial le 30 octobre prochain à la Casa del Popolo.


Ateliers à venir

Ingried donnera deux ateliers de chant cet automne: Coffre à outils pour chanteurs (le 6 octobre) et Chanter Hildegarde von Bingen (le 3 novembre).

Plus d'infos dans le calendrier.

Lancement officiel et... whisky!

Le nouveau quatuor BOUSSAROQUE va présenter son premier concert officiel le 22 MAI au Centre culturel Georges-Vanier (Montréal). La soirée sera placée sous un thème écossais, avec spécialités ainsi qu'une dégustation de whisky.

Toutes les infos sont ici.​

Photo groupe sans fond crop petite petit

Dates écossaises

Ingried jouera au Café Kisimul (Isle of Barra, Écosse) durant la deuxième moitié d'avril. Elle sera aussi l'instructeur de piano et flûte lors du Féis Bharraigh en juillet.

Nouveau démo, nouveaux collaborateurs!

Le répertoire d'Ingried se développe d'une façon très excitante!

De solo à duo, il s'agit maintenant d'un quatuor!

Plus d'infos ici, et surveillez le nouveau démo qui sera rendu public d'ici quelques jours.

A peine vintage petite.jpg

Gaelinn: nouveaux vidéos

Quelques clips de la première tournée de GAELINN cet automne:
Playlist YouTube

Les date de l'automne annoncées

Très heureuse d'annoncer 3 dates cet automne pour le tout nouveau duo de chansons gaéliques: GAELINN

Tous les détails dans ce communiqué de presse

Nouveaux projects, nouvelles pages!

Avec toutes ces nouvelles collaborations, il y avait un besoin criant de nouvelles pages Facebook!
On peut suivre Duo'dragòre ici:
Et Gaelinn ici

Beaucoup de concert à venir pour Gaelinn, donc n'oubliez pas de cliquer "like"!


On the road again

C'est l'été et le temps des festivals! Ingried se joint au "vielliste à roue" danois Nicolas Koch-Simms pour jouer au Danemark et en France.

Elle passera aussi beaucoup de temps dans l'Île de Barra (Écosse), où elle se produira régulièrement, en plus de faire partie du Fèis Bharraigh et de poursuivre sa collecte de chansons gaéliques.

Une nouvelle collaboration

Ingried est rejointe par la violoncelliste montréalaise Gael Huard pour présenter son concert "La route d'Alba" l'automne prochain.

Ingried professeur invitée au Centre culturel Georges-Vanier (Montréal)

Ingried s'est vu offrir de donner la session de printemps de chant à ce centre culturel de Montréal (Canada).

Ingried chanteuse invitée pour le nouvel album de Saltabraz

L'ensemble français Saltabraz a demandé a Ingried de prêter sa voix à leur prochain album, Iter. Plus de nouvelles bientôt.

The Living Tradition Magazine calls Ingried's performance:

"one of the discoveries of the festival"

at TradFest - Edinburgh


Click here to view the full review

The album ISLANDS reviewed by the Folker Magazine (Germany)

"The Montreal artist flies now to new horizons. This great pilgrim voice traveled from her native Quebec to Galicia, then Iceland and Scandinavia, and reached the Scottish island of Barra last year.

A harmonious, barely instrumented, very personal song compilation focused on Scotland."

Click here to view the full review

New videos online

A few new clips from Ingried solo concert "Journey to Alba"

-Flower of Scotland on two-flutes

-Skye Boat Song

-Isabeau s'y promène

Summer tour

With La Mandragore, Ingried will be playing at the St-Jean Medieval Fest (Switzerland) on June 24th and 25th.

They will also be at the Nysted Medieval Festival (Denmark) on August 4th, 5th and 6th.

Ingried at Tradfest Edinburgh

Don't miss the concert Journey to Alba, Sunday May 7th at the Storytelling Centre in Edinburgh.

Infos & tickets here

CD Launch in Montreal and other concerts

Ingried is in Montreal for a couple of weeks. Join her at the ISLANDS CD Launch on February 22d.
Here a few concerts where she will be playing:

February 11th

February 16th

February 22d


A first album for SOUK D'ÉRABLE

The worldy-gipsy-flamenco-swingy band Souk d'érable just released their first album last November!

Listen to it here


Gold for Ingried at the National Mòd

Ingried was awarded the Largs Trophy for self-accompanying songs during the National Mòd that took place this October in Stornoway!


Gold for Ingried at the Barra Mòd

Ingried sung a puirt a beul at the 2016 Barra Mod (Gaelic Competition) and got gold and a trophy!

Photo: Rosie Schneider


New solo album: CDs Launches in Edinburgh and Glasgow

Join Ingried for some music, drinks and chat. Her new solo album, whic features Galeic and Quebec songs, will be released on October 12th in Edinburgh, and October 13th in Glasgow. Please check the calendar for details.

Edinburgh poster

Glasgow poster


Back in Denmark


Ingried will be playing with La Mandragore at the Horsens European Medieval Festival. Be there on August 26 and 27. 


New solo album: ISLANDS


We're excited to announce we just received the new album. It features songs from Quebec and Scotland, thanks to funding from the Conseil des Arts et lettres du Québec.

There will CD launches in UK (September 13th in Barra, October 13th in Glasgow, more details to come), and in Montreal in February.

If you can't wait, you can get an electronic copy on Bandcamp. It is also possible for the Canadian friends to order a physical copy right away. Just use the button below and pay via Paypal or credit cards (the prices include delivery). Allow a few weeks for the CD to get to you.
Thanks so much, tapadh leibh!


New solo album coming soon!


The printed copies will be available soon, but you can already listen to it here:


A concert series at the Kisimul Castle


Come listen to some Gaelic and Scottish Songs at the beautfiul Kisimul Castle in Castlebay (Isle of Barra, Scotland). Mondays and Thursdays afternoon between July 28th and August 8th.


Ingried funded by the CALQ


Ingried's new concert, Journey to Alba, has received a second grant from the Quebec Arts Council. More research on Gaelic and Quebec repertoire, and some recordings with Dominique Soulard (flamenco guitar) to come.


Ongoing recordings


Ingried will release beginning of May 5 new recordings of songs with kantele.


She is also working on a new album with the group SOUK D'ÉRABLE. The album should be released next Fall. See pictures from the recording sessions on the group's Facebook page.


Trîles soon to be on tour!


After a long break where the three members of the trio Trîles were scattered around the globe, they are going to meet again in Quebec. Loads of concerts for the end of June, in Montreal and around the province.


That's how they sound like

That's how they look like

A new YouTube Playlist


New and old videos of Ingried's music are now all grouped here.


Special solo concert for Valentine's day


Ingried will present a special collection of love songs from all over the world on February 13th, 7 pm, at Allan Ramsay Hotel (Carlops, Pennicuik, Scotland). Amongst other, some Robbie Burns texts and Gaelic songs.

TRÎLES releases a new demo and videos


Have a look!




Working on a new show


Following this Summer spent in Scotland, and all the beautiful Gaelic songs studied thanks to the CALQ grant, Ingried is preparing her second solo concert.


JOURNEY TO ALBA will explore Gaelic, Quebec and Nordic music, with a new bass kantele and lots of stories. More info in the Programs section.

A grant from the Quebec Arts Council to study Gaelic singing


Ingried is thrilled to learn that she is getting support from the Quebec Arts Council to study Gaelic singing in Scotland. She will go to the Gaelic College in Skye during her Wales/England/Scotland tour this summer, along with the group Trîles. She will also get to study with Christine Primrose, Kenna Campbell Kennedy and Chrissie Macdonald.

A huge thanks!

Women Voices on Bandcamp


You can listen to some tunes from the concert Women Voices on Ingried's brand new Bandcamp:

Interviews with Ingried


Ingried was invited to radio shows following La Mandragore's release of their new album. You can hear those interviews (in French) here:

Radio Canada (June 3d)

CIBL (May 26th)



La Mandragore finally released its scandinavian album MIDGARD.

It was about three years of work, lots of reasearch and composition. The whole team is very proud.

You can listen to five tracks of this album here or visit La Mandragore's website.














It was an intense month of creation and touring! But the miracle happened: TRÎLES, a project mixing Quebec, Scotland and Denmark music now exist.

Listen to our show excerpts:

An exciting Canada/ Denmark/Scotland project!


With her friends and colleague Pia Nygaard (DK) and Andrew Mill (SCO), Ingried is working on the new trio TRÎLES.

The group will meet up in Montreal in January. They will be hosted by the Maison de la culture du Plateau and the Maison de la culture Ahuntsic, as artistic residency, and they will present a bunch of concerts.


Women Voices selected by the SAMS


Fall 2014

Ingried's solo concert has been chosen to be part of the SAMS program, an organization that presents music in the healthcare setting.

Ingried's back in Europe!


Summer 2014

Ingried will be performing and teaching this summer in Denmark, Sweden and France. Catch her while you can!

LA MANDRAGORE's new album to be released in the Spring


Spring 2014

The album MIDGARD will be recorded beginning of April in Montreal, and should be released on May 9th. More infos soon.

Ingried in Scandinavia


January-March 2014

An exciting study trip to Sweden, Finland and Denmark. Ingried will perform a bunch of concerts in Denmark and Sweden, and will also present workshops.

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